
All About Keywords - I

About keywords
Keywords are those words used to catalog, index, and find your web site. You have already read a lot about it and so did I. But a few things that tickle me again are -

-       It is easier to rank high with key phrase than with a keyword.
-       Not enough keyword density and your site ranking suffers. Too much keyword density and your site ranking suffers.
-       Looking at your competition’s source code is also a good way to find out which keywords they’re using. The listed keywords should appear in the first few lines of code.

A few other things that I wanted to read about and write about at ADWG -

What are organic keywords?
-       Organic keywords are those that appear naturally on your web site and contribute to the search engine ranking of  the page. One way to find out is to us a web-site metric application, like the one that Google provides. Some of these services track the keywords that push users to your site. When viewing the reports associated with keywords, you can quickly see how your PPC keywords draw traffic, and also what keywords in which you’re not investing still draw traffic.

Keyword Stuffing
-       Keyword stuffing means using a particular keyword a dozen or hundreds of times. Temporarily, this might improve your page ranking. However, if it does, the improvement won’t last, because when the search engine  crawler examines your site, it will find the multiple keyword uses. Because search engine crawlers use an algorithm to determine if a keyword is used a reasonable number of times on your site, it will discover very quickly that your site can’t support the number of times you’ve used that keyword or keyphrase. The result will be that your site is either dropped deeper into the ranking or (and this is what happens in most cases), it will be removed completely from search engine rankings.

How to search keywords for your blog/website? Some guidelines to follow while you are doing keyword research

-       Search from the point of view of your potential customers.
-       Select as many relevant keywords or phrases as possible.
-       Monitor your keywords to see which attract your target audience. Keep those that perform and replace those that do not.
-       Select keywords and phrases that aren’t the most competitive but also not the least competitive. These medium competitive words should yield good results without eating a ridiculous amount of your budget.

Part II of "All About Keywords" will include - Choosing Effective keywords, Forbidden Search Terms and Poison Words.
See you next time!!

[Source: SEO Bible]


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